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Use Case

AI-generated 3D models and animations

Generative AI models like LLMs and image generators can significantly revolutionize the field of 3D models and animations. They can be employed to expediently create intricate and realistic designs. For example, a model trained on 3D characters could automatically generate intricate character designs for video games. Additionally, similar models can be customized to generate realistic animations rather than manually crafting each frame, leading to quality animations at a reduced production time.

Chatbots like ChatGPT can be used to generate story arcs for animation films. By autosuggesting dialogs and plot twists, AI can help scriptwriters to quickly draft and refine scripts, essentially serving as a virtual brainstorming partner. Essentially, from the initial story's conceptualization to generating finely detailed 3D models and animations, generative AI could significantly boost productivity in the film and gaming industries.

How to build with Clevis

Text Input

Ask the user to input a concept or idea for the 3D model.

Prompt ChatGPT

Prompt ChatGPT to generate a detailed description based on the user's input from the previous step.

HTTP Request

Fetch relevant 3D model data from an online database or API based on the description provided by ChatGPT.

Generate Image (DALL-E)

Generate a visually appealing 3D model using DALL-E based on the data fetched in the previous step.

Display Output

Display the generated 3D model and animation to the user for preview and further customization.

This is an example of an AI application you can build using Clevis. The application is called 'AI-generated 3D Model App' and it enables users to create AI-generated 3D models and animations. The process starts with a simple user text input, where users write out an idea or concept for a 3D model.

In the next step, the application leverages ChatGPT, an advanced language model by OpenAI, to generate a detailed description based on the user's initial concept. By articulating user input into more complex ideas, ChatGPT adds depth to the raw concept.

The app then proceeds to make an HTTP request by fetching relevant 3D model data from an online database or API, ensuring that the generation process is based on credible and relevant information. After acquiring data, the app uses DALL-E to generate an aesthetically pleasing 3D model. DALL-E is an AI program by OpenAI that creates images from textual descriptions.

Finally, the app displays the generated 3D model and animation to the user, offering a preview and opportunities for additional customization. This kind of complexity is achievable with Clevis and can be replicated in building other AI apps as well.

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