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Virtual fashion design workshops

Generative AI models like Language Learning Models (LLMs) and image generators can redefine virtual fashion design workshops. For example, brainstorming sessions can be augmented using AI like OpenAI's ChatGPT, which can suggest innovative design ideas based on previous fashion trends and styles. Additionally, it can assist in drafting presentations or reports in real-time.

On the other hand, image generators can be used to create initial fashion sketches based on text descriptions, saving designers valuable time. Furthermore, these models can also simulate different fabric materials and colors on the designs, providing a virtual preview of how the final product might look.

Finally, AI models can also help in creating virtual runways with generated 3D models. Designers can use it to visualize their designs on virtual models, offering a complete, immersive fashion design experience.

How to build with Clevis

Text Input

Prompt participants to enter their name and email address for registration.

Prompt ChatGPT

Welcome participants and provide an overview of the virtual fashion design workshop.

Prompt ChatGPT

Prompt participants to express their interests or specific topics they would like to focus on during the workshop.

HTTP Request

Fetch a list of online resources, tutorials, and fashion design tools to share with participants.

Display Output

Display the output from the previous step, providing participants with a curated list of fashion design resources.

This example app called 'Virtual Fashion Design Workshops' is a prime example of what one can build using Clevis. The application serves to facilitate online workshops for fashion design, engaging participants with creative prompts and providing useful resources along with feedback.

The app begins by prompting participants to input their name and email address for registration. This is done using a ‘Text Input’ step. Once the participants are registered, they are welcomed and given an overview of the workshop via a ‘ChatGPT’ step, which leverages the capabilities of OpenAI's language model, ChatGPT.

The app also uses another ‘ChatGPT’ step to prompt participants to express their interests or any specific topics they’d like to focus on during the workshop. This facilitates a more tailored and focused workshop experience for every participant.

Next, a Http Request step fetches a list of potent online resources, tutorials, and fashion design tools to share with the participants, and these are displayed through a Display Output step which presents a curated list of fashion design resources to participants.

This progressive flow ensures a smooth user experience and forms the modus operandi of the 'Virtual Fashion Design Workshop'. It likewise showcases how apps within the same area can also be built using Clevis.

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