Use Case
Virtual storytelling workshops can greatly benefit from generative AI models like Language Models and Image Generators. Models like OpenAI's GPT-3 can aid in generating creative storylines, characters, dialogs and plot points based on predefined parameters, thus bringing in novelty and increasing engagement. For example, participants can set the theme, genre, and mood, and the model can provide diverse story ideas, enhancing the brainstorming process. For dialogs, chatbots like ChatGPT can simulate realistic conversations to help flesh out character interactions.
Meanwhile, Image Generators can provide visual aids and stimulate imagination. They can generate images of story scenes or characters based on textual descriptions provided, making the story visualization more immersive. For instance, describing a 'forest at twilight' can instantaneously render an evocative image for participants, heightening the story building experience. Hence, these models can significantly boost creativity and engagement in virtual storytelling workshops.
Ask the user for the workshop topic
Prompt ChatGPT with the workshop topic to generate storytelling prompts
Ask the user for the number of participants in the workshop
Fetch a list of storytelling resources based on the workshop topic
Display the generated storytelling prompts and available resources
The given JSON configuration outlines an example application that you can build using Clevis, a tool used to create AI applications. In this instance, the app is specifically designed to facilitate virtual storytelling workshops. The same concepts can be employed with Clevis to build apps within a similar context.
The operation of this application follows a series of steps. Initially, the app prompts the user to input the topic for the workshop. Then, it uses the ChatGPT feature developed by OpenAI to process the provided topic and generate relevant storytelling prompts. Following that, the application requests the user to specify the number of participants expected in the workshop.
Subsequently, an HTTP request is sent out to fetch a list of storytelling resources that suits the worksheet's topic. The result is a curated set of materials that could assist the storytelling workshop. To conclude this workflow, the application presents the user with the generated prompts and the fetched relevant resources. Therefore, users have ample creative and supportive aids to facilitate their virtual storytelling workshops.
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